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Double or Nothing

Double or Nothing

Brand New, 1 In stock
  • Description
    Double or Nothing is a fast paced, press-your-luck game that is perfect fun for groups of 3-6 players. How far will you push yourself to score points? Players take turns scoring or flipping over cards, looking to increase their points. Turn over the wrong cards and you will be out of the round.The last player in the round is forced to play Double or Nothing which can lead to mega-points or nothing at all. Once the seventh bonus card is turned over the game ends and the person with the most points wins. - BoardGameGeek
  • Details
    BGID: 22111
    Category: Card Game
    Time: 20 minutes
    Designer: Reiner Knizia
    PrimaryName: Double or Nothing
    Players: 3 to 6
    Year: 2006
    Product Title: Double or Nothing
    Ages: 10 and up
    Publisher: Uberplay