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Innsmouth 32

Innsmouth 32

Brand New, 1 In stock
  • Description
    The third and most terrifying game in the Shuffling Horror board game line, Innsmouth 32 is a cinematic card-and-dice game that plunges players into one of H. P. Lovecraft's weirdest tales. One player controls the cultists and deep ones, all other players are gangsters, students, and scholars trying to make it out of Innsmouth alive. Key to the Shuffling Horror experience is the movie deck: a sixty-card deck that hold all the characters, twists, turns, and terrors that await in Innsmouth. To start the movie, the deck is shuffled and a number of cards are dealt for the first reel (round) of the movie. Ten cards are dealt for the first reel, representing the first ten minutes of the film; as these cards are played, they confront players with terrible things. Two new features have been added to the Shuffling Horror system to bring Innsmouth 32 its terrifying Lovecraftian vibe: Mythos and Insanity. Mythos are obtained by characters via items or investigation and grant the power to banish monsters. Characters may also gain Insanity during encounters with powerful creatures (such as the shoggoth). The more Insanity a character gains, the more unstable they become. The game is playable with 3-13 players; if eliminated, players return to the game as cultists and deep ones (now playing on the Director's team against all other survivors). Terror mounts with each successive reel! Who will be standing when the film fades to black...
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