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Guildhall: Job Faire

Guildhall: Job Faire

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Brand New, 1 In stock
  • Description

    Game description from the publisher:

    The not-so-Dark Ages is blowing up! Skilled workers clamor to get into your Guildhouse. Organize them into chapters and put them to work. Each additional worker you add to a chapter provides a bigger bonus to the workers you play in the future – but look out as your opponents might steal your valuable workers for their own chapters!

    In Guildhall: Job Faire, 2–4 players compete to create a prosperous kingdom by recruiting skilled laborers into their guild chapters. Collect sets of cards with unique abilities. Use completed sets to claim victory cards. But will you go for points or use a special power? Which will lead to ultimate victory?

    Guildhall: Job Faire is a standalone game, but is also fully compatible with Guildhall: Old World Economy.

    Integrates with:

  • Details
    BGID: 142121
    Category: Card Game, Medieval
    Time: 45 minutes
    Designer: Hope S. Hwang
    Year: 2013
    Ages: 12 and up